Since 2011, the Creating Hope Society developed and delivered the Aboriginal Mothers Advocacy Program. A program to work with families who were involved with Children Services or at risk of having their children removed. Unfortunately, the Aboriginal Mothers Advocacy program will no longer be available to the community. Our last intake date was March 31st, 2020. 

Creating Hope Board of Directors and the Executive Director wants to thank the Family Liaison staff who worked with families and communities. The team worked hard to deliver the AMAP program and followed the Creating Hope Society vision, mission and our declaration “An Aboriginal Home for Every Aboriginal Child in Care by 2025”.

I also want to acknowledge our participants (clients); without you, our AMAP program would not have been successful. 

In the Spirit of Creating Hope. 


Creating Hope Society values: Love, Respect, Sharing, Caring, Honesty, Trust, Wisdom and Humility

The Aboriginal Mother’s Advocacy Program (AMAP) provides participant-centered support, liaison and advocacy that are based on individual needs and goals.  During our work together, the participants are provided knowledge regarding their rights with respect to different systems and organizations they may be involved in; for example Child Welfare or Justice.  AMAP staff work in accordance with Alberta Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act which includes Collaborative Service Delivery (CSD) and Signs of Safety when working with the participants. With the CSD approach, AMAP staff work in collaboration with the case workers, Band Designates, support workers, ADAAC, mental health and justice, to name a few.  The Signs of Safety approach is a strength-based model that assists in achieving goals rather than focusing on the participants’ deficits. One of AMAP’s goals is to connect and refer participants to community resources that will empower them to make positive change. In addition, connecting participants to community resources assists in developing a support system that will ensure their healing journey will be one that will be sustained over a long period of time.  It is our hope that we, as a team, will empower participants in finding their voice, use that voice to exercise their rights and embrace the hope that they have a new sense of belonging within their family, community and society as a whole.