Community Presentations & Seminars (Fee for service, by request)

The Aftermath of Residential School:  Presentations of personal stories of individuals who were a part of the 1st generation child welfare system of the sixties and seventies (video and/or stand-up presentations by request).

This presentation addresses the following:

  •  Improving awareness of Aboriginal (First Nations, Métis and Inuit) history from colonization to Residential Schools to the Sixties and Seventies Scoop.
  •  Creating awareness of the ongoing child welfare syndrome rampant within the urban Aboriginal communities

Broken Hearts Program Documentary (20 minutes)

Produced for parents and youth so they are familiar with their rights and responsibilities under the Child Welfare system.

Aboriginal Fathers Love Their Children Too  (61 min.)

Produced for fathers and grandfathers to identify gaps in knowledge and barriers to access in fully exercising their parental rights.


  • Learning Our Aboriginal History (10 week curriculum) available for purchase
  • Circle of Understanding (online course)

Annual Events:

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